Serverless case study: PrettyCI and Laravel Queues

This article is part of a series of case studies of serverless PHP applications built with Bref on AWS Lambda. If you are not familiar with serverless and Bref, I invite you to read Serverless and PHP: introducing Bref.

This case study is about, a SaaS that provides continuous integration for PHP coding standards for GitHub repositories.

The idea is that anytime you push a commit to your GitHub repository, PrettyCI will analyze that commit using PHP CodeSniffer or PHP-CS-Fixer. Since PrettyCI integrates in GitHub's checks tab you can see the build result directly in your repository without having to leave your work.


I originally created the project using Laravel Spark. This is a Laravel project pre-built for creating SaaS applications (and it is pretty awesome by the way).

While Spark takes care of the website, I had to create:

  • an API endpoint to receive GitHub webhooks whenever someone pushes new commits
  • queue wokers that would analyse each commit with phpcs or php-cs-fixer

Fortunately Laravel has a queue system that is very easy to setup.

After deploying the whole thing to a small DigitalOcean server (❤️) using Laravel Forge (❤️) it was running just fine.

Serverless workers

Since I was running 4 workers on my server that meant that the system could process at most 4 commits at a time. When the 4 workers were busy, new commits to GitHub would be pending and waiting for a worker to free up.

This is not great for user experience, and while scaling up is doable (see this great article by Oh Dear for example) it is a bit more work.

Indeed, that meant adding more servers, which meant more costs and a much higher maintenance effort. This is were my lazy side kicked in.

As I was working with Lambda for at the time, I decided to migrate the workers to AWS Lambda using Bref.

I did the migration in July 2018 and it has been a complete success in my eyes, running great since then.


The migration itself presented some challenges:

  • the filesystem is read-only on Lambda except for /tmp so I had to change the code a bit to use this directory (to checkout repositories and run the analyses)
  • while Lambda is a Linux environment, git is not available: I had to compile and upload the git binary in my lambda to be able to use it
    • Since then it is now possible to include a "git layer" like this one, which makes the whole thing much easier


Now that the system is running, I don't see many downsides:

  • the initial setup was a bit more effort than using the Laravel Queue system out of the box
  • some problems are a bit harder to debug as it's impossible to SSH into a Lambda and run some tests (you have to go through the cycle of deploying + executing the lambda, or else run the tests locally)
  • the /tmp folder is limited to 512MB, which made PrettyCI incompatible with projects that have a huge repository


  • jobs are never queued anymore: this is the killer thing for me here: as soon as a commit is pushed to GitHub a new environment will be launched to process it.
    • I often see "Pending build" when using Travis/Circle CI/Gitlab CI because the build is waiting for a free container. With PrettyCI that never happens, which makes the user experience awesome (most pull request statuses are updated under 5 seconds).
  • infinite scaling with 0 action from my part
  • pay per use, which is actually cheaper than the cheapest DigitalOcean VPS (I pay only the execution time of the workers)
  • builds are isolated without me having to deal with containers or virtual machines
  • high availability as all the execution environment is managed by AWS. I just have to focus on the code.


As explained in the Bref Maturity Matrix, running workers and jobs is an excellent use case for AWS Lambda, and this works perfectly for PrettyCI.

The migration is a bit more effort than "simply" using Laravel Queues or other similar libraries, but this is something we are trying to simplify at Bref.

If you are interested to learn more about AWS Lambda, you can check out other articles and subscribe to the serverless PHP newsletter.